What is Feldenkrais

What is the Feldenkrais Method?

The only thing permanent about our behaviour patterns is our belief that they are so.

Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais

The Feldenkrais Method is a gentle, revolutionary approach for improving all aspects of human functioning through the exploration of body movement patterns with awareness.

As human beings, we have a huge capacity to learn - and to go on learning - throughout our life. The Feldenkrais Method reconnects us with this ability to develop to our full, healthy potential. Uniquely, it combines sound principles of neurology, physiology and mechanics with simple, practical movement lessons that are accessible to everyone.

How does it work?

As we grow up, we each unconsciously learn habits about how to move, act and be - through upbringing, sedentary lifestyle, illness or injury.

Often by adulthood these familiar habits have become outmoded or inefficient, creating unnecessary physical and psychological limitations, pain and dysfunction, and confining us to a smaller part of our true potential.

Because our sense of self and the world is continually being constructed by how we move, the good news is just as we learnt these patterns once, so we can learn more helpful ones now.

The Feldenkrais Method uses a gentle process of organic learning, movement, and sensing to free you from these constraining habitual patterns and allow for new ways of sensing, thinking, moving and feeling to emerge.

Because the Method works directly with the brain and neuromuscular patterns, it is through the process of awareness itself where the improvement takes place, so the Method is suitable for everyone, including those with very limited movement. The Method is practiced in two ways:

 - group classes called Awareness Through Movement

 - individual sessions known as Functional Integration.

Both are often called 'lessons' because a learning process takes place in your brain and body when you do them.

Who was Feldenkrais?

The Feldenkrais Method was developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904 - 84), an Israeli physicist, engineer, and martial artist who suffered from serious knee injuries. When his doctors advised him that surgery might not help him, he was inspired to search for an alternative solution to his physical problems.

While doing so, he made some groundbreaking discoveries about how human learning and improvement takes place, and about how movement and posture are assembled - via experience - in the brain. Dr. Feldenkrais wrote seven books, developed hundreds of effective exercises and manual techniques, and trained three groups of students in his method.

His insights have contributed to the new field of somatic education and continue to influence the arts, education, psychology, child development, physical and occupational therapy, sports enhancement, and gerontology. Today there are over 10,000 Feldenkrais Practitioners across the globe.